Savitar is programmed to be used by xat Users.
Beyond that it also offers general purpose commands, pokemon go features, gaming stat checkers and customizations available to the server owner.
Feel free to contact me if you have any concerns or suggestions.
© LeJon 2018
Command | Alias(es) | Description |
Acclist | Acc | Allows you to add/remove users to the trusted or banned list permissions. |
Automember | Am | Allows you to set a role as automember role, upon joining users will be automatically granted that role. |
Commandcode | CC | Define your bot's command prefix using this command. |
Command | Alias(es) | Description |
Cmd | - | List, Add, Edit or Remove custom commands from the bot. |
Sing | - | Returns lyrics from a song of your choosing, can be stopped using sing stop. |
Mimic | - | Makes the bot repeat everything a user says. |
Nick | - | Edits the bot's nickname. |
Command | Alias(es) | Description |
Fun | - | Lists some fun (sometimes inappropriate!) commands based on the .slap command & comments. |
YouTube | Yt | Links a youtube video from your search result. |
- | Returns 3-6 google results with title & name based on your search input. | |
Fml | - | Keep up with people's FML stories, returns a random one. |
Pickup | - | Use this command to hit anyone of your choosing with a powerful pickup line. |
Insult | - | Let someone have it using this command to throw an insult at them. |
Eightball | - | Ask any question, Savitar will determine the answer. |
Fact | - | Savitar will grace you with knowledge using a fact. |
Fortune | - | Wise words to keep you going. |
AI | - | Each message you send will be met witha reply from the bot (Subject to changes, the current AI isn't the brightest). |
Urbandictionary | Urban, UD | Looks up a word in the urban dictionary. |
Say | - | Speak your words through the bot. |
Calc | - | Your personal calculator - does QUICK MAFS, all just one command away. |
Wiki | - | Searches for a wiki page using your input then links it to you if it exists. |
Translate | - | Translates any sentence FROM → TO language. |
Timer | - | Set a reminder for x seconds/minutes/hours. |
Shitpost | - | Does exactly what you think it does. |
Bitly | - | Shortens a URL for you. |
16P | - | Interested in your MBTI? So is Savitar, find out more using this command. |
Question | Q | Returns a random question that you can choose to answer or ignore. |
Lovetest | Love | Test your relationship compatibility using this command. |
Users | - | Displays user information for your server. |
RPS | - | Starts a quick rock-paper-scissors game against the bot. |
Pi | - | Returns x numbers of Pi, returns random amount if no input specified. |
Nerd | - | Sends random nerdy joke. |
Isup | - | Checks if a website is online or not. |
Slots | - | Simple slot machine command. |
Length | - | Judges length of your input (spaces excluded). |
Avatar | - | Steals the avatar image of a discord user. |
Random | - | Give Savitar two numbers, he will randomly pick a number in it's range. |
Started | - | Displays bot runtime information. |
Choose | Better | Two options. The bot selects one of the two. |
Lieornot | Lie | Is your statement a truth or not? Ask the God of Speed to find out. |
Slap | - | Sends a funny slap message to an enemy! |
Quote | - | Returns a random quote. |
- | Browse your favorite /r/'s using the bot. | |
Meme | - | Posts random meme. |
Emojipasta | epasta | (Can be inappropriate!) Returns an emoji filled text submission |
Weather | - | Shows the current weather for a given city. |
Time | - | Shows the current time for a given city. |
Trivia | - | Feeling up to the challenge? Try one of these Trivia questions. |
Define | - | Looks up a word in the dictionary for you. |
Emoji | - | Looks up an emoji and returns a list of possibilities. |
Command | Alias(es) | Description |
Xatsearch | Xs | Returns last 5 (or less) results based on your search. |
Price | P | Price check on one or multiple powers at a time. |
Promo | - | Displays currently promoted chats in a language of your choosing (Defaults to English). |
Shortname | Snc, Sn | Looks up the price of a given shortname. |
Xaterror | - | Give the bot your xat error and it will tell you what it corresponds to. |
Xatwiki | - | Searches the wiki for your input, links the page if it exists. |
Whatis | - | Tells you if a smiley is a power or the power the smiley is from. |
Xatstocash | Xats2cash | Converts your xats to USD and displays the result. |
Cashtoxats | Cash2xats | Converts your USD to xats and displays the result. |
Chatprice | Grouptransfer, Gt | Looks up the price of a given chat name. |
X2d | - | Converts your xats to days and displays the result. |
Dx | - | Converts your days to xats and displays the result. |
Find | - | Finds the regname & id of a user using a regname or id. |
Reg | - | Finds the regname of a user using an id. |
Id | - | Finds the idof a user using the regname. |
Userinfo | - | Returns FEXBots userinfo for a user of your choice. |
Client | - | Returns relevant links to a xat Client. |
Command | Alias(es) | Description |
Tos | - | Returns Town of Salem game information for a given role. |
Tosdesc | - | Returns Town of Salem role description. |
Steam | - | Displays your Steam user stats. |
Smite | - | Displays your Smite game stats. |
Command | Alias(es) | Description |
Pokemon | - | Returns Pokemon Information. |
Showdown | - | Sends a challenge to someone for Pokémon Showdown. |
PGO Info | - | Details how the PGO game is played. |
PGO Catch | PGC, P | Use to attempt a pokemon catch. |
PGO Buy | - | Use to make a purchase from the PGO Shop. |
PGO Sell | - | Use to sell a Pokemon. |
PGO Sellm | - | Use to sell multiple Pokemon at once. |
PGO Use | - | Use to deploy a PGO Item. |
PGO Shop | PGO Store | Use to browse the PGO Shop. |
PGO Price | - | Use to price check a Pokemon. |
PGO List | PGL | Use to view your currently owned Pokemon. |
PGO Has | - | Use to look up ownership of a Pokemon. |
PGO Bag | - | Use to check your currently owned items. |
PGO Slots | - | Daily slotmachine for a chance to win up to 100K points. |
PGO Reroll | - | Use to instantly buy & use a slot reset, allowing you to use the slots once again. |
PGO Value | PGV | Returns the current value of all your owned Pokemon. |
PGO Doubles | - | Returns the current amount of doubles you own. |
PGO Transfer | - | Use to transfer points to another player. |
PGO Gift | - | Use to transfer pokemon to another player. |
PGO Spawners | - | Use to view a list of servers where Pokemon are spawning. |
B Next | - | Use to queue for the next Pokemon Battle. |
B Leave | - | Use to cancel your queue position. |
B Start | - | Use to begin a Pokemon Battle (Requires at least 2 players). |
B End (Trusted+) | - | Use to end a game early. |
B Skip (Trusted+) | - | Use to skip a players turn if they are taking too long. |
B Choose | - | Use to pick a Pokemon to battle with. |
B Attack | - | Use to select your next attack. |
B Turn | - | Use to see who is supposed to be making a move. |
B Status | - | Use to view a list of Pokemon in battle. |